Boora is a Shade familiar tasked in helping out the local wizard Chap. Explore The Spire and see what secrets it holds. Developed for a Pirate Software game jam

My role was being the gameplay programmer and an artist

Artist: Forrest Laffely

Goop Shader

Boora is meant to be a shade so I want the to have an odd nebulous feeling. I ended up making a sign distance field offset by vornoi noise

Item management

The game is based around bringing the correct items to the right place. To make it visible what items the player currently has I simply have them follow the player in a chain. One issue I had to deal with frequently was making sure items stayed with Boora when moving to alternate rooms or interacting with unexpected things.

Boss Encounter

After dealing with the hidden rooms the player is able to deal with a final encounter where they must dodge and deliver damaging items again the boss. My personal favorite part of this is how the room shakes.