This was a part-time coop were I worked as a research assistant implementing the gamified aspect of an astronaut balance testing VR program.

My role for this project is as a gameplay programmer

Four Square Gameplay

Created a state machine that would represent the FourSquare game. This was then used to create this game and allows it to reset easily. The different phases of the game can be seen in the video above which shows whether or not a player is within the given zones and stores that data to a json

File IO

Since this is a research project we need a convenient way to store data across all games in reliable and easy to understand method. The following whiteboard is my draft of how I will implement this process.

FilIO has custom data structures for convivence and this script works directly with the json files stored locally. DataStoreLoad (DSL) is the main script developers will edit when adding a new game as it is where information is turned into FileIO’s data structures before being sent there. Above are game managers which use data how they choose fit.


A major role I played when initially being hired was debugging previous cohorts work. This required large refactoring of the entire Unity project but made it significantly easier to work with for future developers.

I also worked on optimization and general visual bugs fixes.